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Director General Training paid a visit to 1st Martine HQ SLNS Vidura Sampoor on 21st January 2019
Feb 09, 2019
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Discussion among the SLN,USMC and USS Anchorage officials on upcoming combined exercise between US ...Read more
Combined exercise between US marines and SLN marines was held at SLNS Gamunu on 29th March 2017 duri...Read more
A special celebration to mark the 242nd birthday ball of the US Marine Corps was held at the Galle F...Read more
The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunarathna declared open the Marine Headquarter...Read more
the final amphibious exercise Blue Whale III of the Sri Lanka Navy 1st Marine Battlion ‘B’ Coy execu...Read more
SLNS Samudura & SLNS Suranimila arrived to North Coal Berth at port of Cochin on 06th April 2017 at ...Read more
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